
Sunbeom So (소순범)


I am actively looking for self-motivated graduate/undergraduate students. See Research and Recruitment.

About Me

As of September 2023, I am working as an assistant professor at School of EECS of GIST, where I am leading the Program Analysis Laboratory. Before joining GIST, I was a research professor at Korea University for a year (2022.09 ~ 2023.08).

Research Interests

I am interested in various research topics for improving the security and safety of software. In particular, I mainly focus on developing and using techniques based on SMT-based formal methods such as formal verification and symbolic execution.
  • Formal verification for proving the absence of vulnerabilities and errors in software.
  • Symbolic execution for finding vulnerabilities and errors in software.
  • Testing SMT solvers for enhancing the reliability of verification and symbolic execution tools.
  • Efficient decision procedures for first-order theories for making formal verification and symbolic execution more practical.


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering (2016.09 ~ 2022.08)
    Korea University (Seoul, Korea)
  • - Thesis: Automatic Verification, Testing, and Repair of Smart Contracts
  • B.S. in Computer and Communication Engineering (2011.03 ~ 2016.08)
    Korea University (Seoul, Korea)
  • - 2 years for mandatory military service (2012.01 ~ 2014.01)
    - Early graduated in 7 semesters


I have published research papers at top-tier conferences in software security, software engineering, and programming languages. See Publications.

Academic Activities

Program Committee (PC) member Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC) member
  • CAV 2023: 35th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
  • OOPSLA 2020: ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
Journal Reviewer
  • TSE: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (2022, 2023)
  • TOSEM: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (2023, 2024)

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